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Apache Maven Build Automation Tool Commands

Apache Maven Oct 17, 2020

Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. Maven can also be used to build and manage projects written in C, C#, Ruby, Scala, etc.,

Maven Lifecycle

It has 3 built-in lifecycle's. Each lifecycle has a sequence of phases which are executed in a specific order. A maven phase represents a stage in the maven build lifecycle. Each phase is responsible for a specific task.


  • It is the main build lifecycle.

  • It has 23 phases.

  • The following is a list of some important phases in the Default build lifecycle.

    • validate - Checks if all the information necessary for the build are available.
    • compile - Compiles the source code of the project. test-compile compiles the test source code.
    • test - Runs the unit tests of the application.
    • package - Packages the compiled source code into a distributable format (WAR/JAR).
    • install - Install the package to a local repository.
    • deploy - The last phase in the default build lifecycle copies the package to a remote repository.


  • It cleans the project and removes the files from the previous build.

  • It has 3 phases

    1. pre-clean
    2. clean
    3. post-clean


  • Creates project's site documentation.

  • It has 4 phases

    1. pre-site
    2. site
    3. post-site
    4. site-deploy

Maven Goals

Each maven phase is a sequence of goals. Each goal is responsible for a specific task. When a phase is run, all goals bound to this phase is executed in order.

Maven Plugin

A maven plugin is a group of goals. All execution in maven is done by plugins. A plugin is mapped to a goal and executed as apart of it. Phase is mapped to multiple goals. These goals are executed by a plugin. A plugin configuration can be modified using the plugin declaration.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of commonly used Maven Commands for quick reference.

Quick Links :

Maven Dependency Scopes mapped with phases

  1. compile (maven default scope) - build, test, and run
  2. provided - build and test
  3. runtime - test and run
  4. test - compile and test
  5. system - similar to ones with scope provided
  6. import


  • mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
    The project will be built without compiling the tests.

  • mvn clean package
    Compiles the code and also packages it.

Running Tests

  • mvn test
    Run all the unit test classes.

  • mvn -Dtest=TestApp1 test
    Run a single test class.

  • mvn -Dtest=TestApp1,TestApp2 test
    Run multiple test classes.

  • mvn -Dtest=TestApp1#methodname test
    Run a single test method from a test class.

  • mvn -Dtest=TestApp1#testHello* test
    Run all test methods that match pattern 'testHello*' from a test class.

  • mvn -Dtest=TestApp1#testHello*+testMagic* test
    Run all test methods match pattern 'testHello*' and 'testMagic*' from a test class.


  • mvn cobertura:cobertura
    Generates Cobertura code coverage reports.

  • mvn sonar:sonar
    Run Sonar Code analysis.


Anantha Raju C

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