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Adding SSL Certificate to Java KeyStore

Java Jun 29, 2021

This post briefly documents the process of adding a URLs security certificate to Java KeyStore to mitigate the error of “PKIX path building failed” and “unable to find valid certification path to requested target” errors.

Example issue filed on StackOverflow.

Minimum Software Requirements

  • Java
  • Web Browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.,)

Sample Scenario

We will be using as the resource from which we will be exporting the security certificate and adding to the Java KeyStore on our local machine from which we would like to access the URL/API programmatically.

Replace URL with any other URL with which you're facing the certification error.

Process to export the security certificate

Click on the green lock icon in the URL bar of the web browser and click on Certificate option in the drop-down list.


Click on Details tab.

Click on Copy to file button.

Click on Next button.

Select the Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER) format radio button option and click on Next button.

Click on the browse option and navigate to the location (folder) where you'd like the file to be saved, enter a desired file name and Click on Next button.

Settings of the certificate being exported is presented to you for review. Click on the Finish button to complete the certificate export process.

Finally, the certificate will be saved in the selected location.

Process to add the exported security certificate to Java KeyStore

Open command prompt as Administrator and navigate to the location were the certificate was exported to.

Issue the following command,

keytool -import -alias stackoverflow -keystore "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_25\lib\security\cacerts" -file stackoverflow.cer

Enter the keystore password as changeit

When Prompted with the question Trust this certificate? [no]:, type yes

Restart the machine for the changes to take into effect.

KeyStore Explorer


Anantha Raju C

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