Photo by Alex Kulikov / Unsplash

Elevate Your Linux Experience: Essential Utilities for Ubuntu

Linux Aug 6, 2022


Description: cpufetch is a simple yet elegant tool for fetching CPU architecture information. With its minimalist design and comprehensive output, cpufetch provides users with valuable insights into their CPU architecture at a glance.



Description: neofetch is a command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+. It displays information about your system in a visually appealing and customizable format, making it easy to showcase your system specifications in terminal sessions and screenshots.



bpytop is a powerful resource monitor for Linux, OSX, and FreeBSD systems. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive feature set, bpytop allows users to monitor system resources in real-time, enabling efficient resource management and optimization.



Description: bat is a modern alternative to the traditional cat command, offering syntax highlighting and Git integration. With its sleek design and enhanced functionality, bat makes it easy to view and navigate through files with syntax highlighting support for a wide range of programming languages.


Speedtest CLI

Description: Speedtest CLI is a command-line interface for measuring internet connection speed. Developed for developers and network administrators, Speedtest CLI provides accurate measurements of download, upload, and ping speeds, enabling users to diagnose network performance issues and optimize internet connectivity.



By incorporating these essential Linux utilities into your Ubuntu system, you can elevate your Linux experience and unlock new capabilities for system monitoring, file management, and network diagnostics. Explore these tools to enhance your productivity and make the most out of your Ubuntu environment.


Anantha Raju C

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